Welcome to Applegarth Primary School. Our historic building is in the centre of Northallerton in the heart of North Yorkshire. When our school was built in 1909, it was for the purpose of being the model school in the county. It is our goal to make this vision a reality.
At Applegarth, we teach a carefully-sequenced, challenging and contextually-relevant curriculum that ignites a love of learning and provides children with memorable learning experiences. Pupils access an enormous variety of extra-curricular/enrichment activities which promote personal development and give every individual the opportunity to thrive in the areas they are most passionate about.
Our leaders and staff have the very highest expectations of all of our learners and have an unwavering belief that every child can and will succeed. We have achieved strong outcomes over the last two years, in part, by immersing pupils in high-quality literature from their very first day in Reception. Award-winning texts are the drivers for our curriculum throughout the school. Phonics, early reading and reading are taught with expertise and consistency which enables children to become proficient readers and develop a love of reading.
Our Applegarth Values (being ready, respectful and safe) are the guiding thread for positive behaviour management in school. The atmosphere is nurturing, calm and safe. We promote fundamental British values alongside this to enable pupils to develop tolerance, respect diversity, care for others and the world around them.
Applegarth is a family in which children are confident and take pride in themselves and their peers. Parents/carers, governors, local residents and the whole community are active participants in our school’s development. We hope you enjoy visiting our website, and please take the time to look at The Blog and leave comments too.
Mrs Maxwell