Reception Starters

Welcome to Applegarth

We have created this dedicated section on the website and created a Reception Starters Induction Booklet to give you an overview of our Reception class.

We also filmed a transition video a year or two ago in order to give children a feel for our classrooms, the layout of the school and to meet our Reception teachers and support staff. This may change for the coming academic year, but you may like to watch it if you have not had the chance to visit in person yet.

I look forward to meeting with you all in person in the near future. If there is anything further we can do to help you, please fill in the contact form on the website.

Kind regards,

Mr J Peoples


Open Events for Families

It is with pleasure that we invite you to attend a welcome event on:

  • Wednesday 12th June 2024 from 5:00pm – 6:00pm

We will introduce you to the team, give you the chance to explore (and play!) in the environment and answer any questions you might have. We are offering day time sessions so that you can see our school when pupils are on site. Our ambassadors will show you round for these sessions.  This is for parents/carers and children. Please call the school office if you would like to attend. 

New Starters Transition Sessions

We will be hosting two transition sessions where our newest pupils can come and play in our setting and meet the staff.

  • Thursday 11th July from 1:30pm – 3:00pm
  • Friday 12th July 2024 from 9:30am – 3:00pm

Please confirm your attendance by contacting the school office by telephone or email: 01609773521 / Children will stay in school without parents/carers and be collected at the end. 

Reception Transition Information

Watch our trailer:

See the full video:

Story Time

Get to know our staff and have fun listening to our favourite stories…

Apply for Free School Meals

All children are eligible for free school meals if they’re in reception class; year 1; or year 2. We still ask that you apply using this form to prevent your child’s school missing out on additional funding which will benefit them for the rest of their primary education:


The policies below set out contain further useful information:


The forms below will be distributed at the New Starter meeting or when your child starts school in September. If you would like to print them, fill them in and post them to school in the meantime, that would be very much appreciated. Alternatively, you can email your completed forms to:

Reception Starters Policies & DocumentsDownload
Wrap Around Care Registration FormDownload
Reception and Key Stage One Free School Meal Application (Sept 2020)Download
Pupil Acceptable Internet Use AgreementDownload
Photographic School Consent FormDownload
Parental Consent for Educational VisitsDownload
Intimate Care Permission FormDownload
Consent and Medical Fitness Form For Off Site ActivitiesDownload

Please follow the link below for more information about how we collect, use and store the data you share with us.

Information on GDPR (including Privacy Notices)

Frequently Asked Questions

My child’s first day at School

What will my child need to bring?
  • A calm parent- please try to appear happy and relaxed even if you don’t really feel it.
  • A smiling face.
  • PE kit.
  • A water bottle.
  • Reading wallet.
  • Spare named pants/knickers in their PE Kit.
  • Packed lunch if required.
  • Sun hat, sun cream applied before school, raincoat or coat – depending on the weather.
  • Names on and in everything that comes into school.
Where do I drop off and collect?
  • Arrive at 8:40am on the playground. A member of the team will greet you.
  • Take your child to their classroom door where they will join their class teacher.
  • The perfect opportunity to leave is when your child is calm but that is not always possible. Your child may settle quicker once you have gone. Staff will be on hand to help and we will send you a picture via Seesaw once they are settled and happy.
  • We would appreciate it if you could leave no later than 8:50am through the playground gate.
  • At 3:20pm your child’s class teacher will open the door of the classroom, which leads on to the playground.
  • Your child will remain with the teacher until both child and teacher see you, then your child will go down the steps. Please walk to meet your child.
  • It is important that you let the teacher know if someone other than you will be collecting your child.
  • It is useful if you stand in the same place in the playground a little way from the classroom door to make it easy for all the parents to be seen.
Is my child entitled to free milk at school?

Free school milk is available to all school children under the age of five. You will receive a form at the welcome meeting giving you the option to take up the offer if you would like to. Shortly before your child’s fifth birthday, you will be offered a subsidised rate to continue receiving milk.

Do I need to apply for Free School Meals?
  • In short, the answer is YES.
  • All pupils are entitled to a free school lunch in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This is a government-funded scheme called Universal Free School Meals. It is not income dependent and the school does not receive any additional funding for those pupils.
  • Some pupil may ALSO be eligible for Disadvantaged (or Benefits-Related) Free School Meals. This is income and benefit dependent and it means the school receives additional funding to support those pupils for the next six years of their school career.
  • Many parents/carers do not apply for Free School Meals because their child will receive a free school lunch anyway. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you apply. It takes a matter of minutes and is very simple. The funding is there to accelerate and promote pupil outcomes and diminish the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers but we can only access it if you fill in the form.
  • You can submit a Free School Meal Application Form at any time during your child’s time in school. It is especially important to do so if there is a change in your employment or financial circumstances.

Parent Concerns

What if my child seems upset about coming to school?
  • Don’t worry. Starting school can be unsettling and take a while to get used to.
  • Stay calm and positive about school at all times.
  • Continue to bring your child to school.
  • Talk to the class teacher about ways we can help.
My child occasionally forgets to go to the toilet. Is this a problem?
  • Not at all.
  • It will be a help, however, if you send in named spare knickers/pants with your child’s PE kit.
  • If your child comes home with some of the school’s spare clothing, please remember to return all the items to school as soon as possible.
Will my child be set homework?
  • “Get Reading. Keep Reading. Change Everything.” The most important and effective thing you can do is read. Look at picture books and tell stories, read your child’s phonics books and ereaders (and reread them) and read stories to your child to build their understanding of story structures and vocabulary.
  • Homework is usually set (and responded to) on Seesaw.
  • Involve your child by asking them what the homework is and allow them time to tell you.
  • Look at the Homework Policy on the school website.
  • If you are still unsure, ask the class teacher.

Daily Routines

When do children play outside?

The Foundation stage children have access to their own outdoor play area, and the playground and field at designated times.

What happens at lunchtime?
  • Currently, the children are taken to the toilet and they wash their hands before the rest of the children come out of their classes.
  • Staff supervise the children, helping to settle them at the table, open cartons and bags, cut up their food and help them to pour a beaker of water.
  • When the children have finished their lunch, a member of staff helps them to put their things away, go to the toilet and put on their coats to go out to play.
  • Familiar adults will always be with the children while they settle into school.
What is the procedure for talking to my child’s class teacher?
  • Teachers are usually available at the end of the school day for an informal chat about minor concerns or messages.
  • If you want a private meeting please contact the school secretary who will arrange an appointment with the teacher.
How will I be kept informed about school events?
  • Look out for the weekly newsletter. We send this via email on Friday afternoons.
  • Look at the school website and visit the school blog.
  • Register for the School Gateway App to receive notifications and updates about news and events in school.
  • Create a Seesaw family account.
What should I do if my child is ill?
  • Telephone the school office on the first day of absence before 9:00am on 01609 773521. You will be able to leave a message at any time by selecting Option 1.
  • If the illness is ongoing, keep us informed regularly.
  • If your child has vomited or has had diarrhoea, they should not return to school until 48 hours have passed after the last occasion of illness.
My child needs to take some medicine during the school day. What should I do?
  • It may be best for you to come to school to give your child the medicine yourself.
  • Occasionally, the school secretary is able to give medicines, but only if they have been specifically prescribed for your child and their name is on the bottle or packet. It is necessary for you to complete a form (available in the office and on the school website) authorising this.
How do I pay for educational visits, wrap around care and school meals?
  • We encourage all parents to download the Parentpay app- we have made it possible for you to pay online for almost everything. We are aiming to have a cashless office.
  • If cash is required for any reason, please send a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and the amount enclosed in the reading bag.

Privacy Policy

We regard your privacy as important and any personal information you give to us will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations.

We do not store personal information about individuals who visit this site except where they provide contact information via our contact us page and contact forms available on various pages throughout the website.

Any information you provide will only be used for the reasons specified and it will not be shared with any third party without your consent, unless required by law.

Your contact details are kept securely and are only accessed by authorised members of staff as part of the provision of school services. If you do not wish us to keep this contact information please tell us.

This website uses Google Analytics which provides statistical data about the usage of the site. This information is not used to identify individuals, but is collected to provide us with an understanding of the areas of interest on our site and how our site is being used.

If you are connected to the internet you will have an IP Address. This may take the form of a figure, such as 333.333.22.1. The address will be automatically collected and logged as part of the connection of your computer to our web server and may be used to determine the total number of visits to each part of the site. This data is not collected and used for other purposes.

This website contains links to other websites. The School is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites or organisations and recommends you consult the privacy information on those sites.

This policy will be reviewed and updated versions will be posted on the website.

If you have any questions about the use of your personal information, the Information Commissioner is the independent regulator for both Data Protection and Freedom of Information.