
***You can register your interest by clicking the banner above. Children start the term after their 3rd birthday, but you can apply from birth***

Applegarth’s Governor Led Nursery

Applegarth Primary School is extending its current provision by opening a new Governor Led nursery in September 2023.  Our nursery provision is going to be led by an experienced teacher and run by a teacher and Early Years practitioners who have the appropriate qualifications and work to the adult to child ratios required to meet the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

What does our nursery look like?

Applegarth’s nursery is accommodated within our main school building.  The provision areas reflect those available in our existing reception class in school; there will be a clear progression of resources, knowledge and skills from nursery into reception.  There are areas such as role-play, sand, water, construction, reading, mark making and lots of outside play with access to our onsite orchard and field.  The classroom is equipped with suitable furniture, equipment and resources aimed at nursery aged children.  Our children will follow the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage. This is comprised of the seven areas of learning that describe everything that children do, see, hear or feel, both child and adult-initiated.  These areas are communication and language; physical development; personal, social and emotional development; literacy; mathematics; understanding the world; and expressive art and design.

Transition Session

For children who have a confirmed place for January 2024, April 2024 and September 2024, we are offering a transition sessions on:

  • Thursday 7th December 2023 from 8:50am – 3:20pm
  • Thursday 14th March 2024 from 8:50am – 3:20pm
  • Friday 12th July 2024 from 8:50am – 3:20pm

These are free session and aimed at all children (30 hours, morning and afternoon attendees). Children just need to bring a water bottle and a snack if they would like one. We will provide the rest. Please use the pedestrian gate and Mrs Burrell will be waiting to greet you on the playground to show you what to do.


08.50 – 11.50 – Morning session

11.50 – 12.20 – Lunch club

12.20 – 15.20 – Afternoon sessions

Families can either choose morning sessions (every day); afternoon sessions (every day); or the full 30 hours (every day). As a school setting, we have chosen not to offer flexible, broken sessions.

Getting Help Paying For Your Childcare

Government help with childcare costs for parents. Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be wraparound care?

As of Monday 6th November 2023, we are offering wraparound care for nursery children. Miss Melville will support nursery children in breakfast club from 8am and Mrs Evans will support in after school care until 5pm. You are welcome to drop your nursery child off from 7:30am and collect up until 6:00pm. The cost is £4 for breakfast club (£3 if accompanying a sibling) and £10 for after school care (or £8 with a sibling).

Which sessions do you offer?

There are three options:

  1. 30 hour provision (morning session, lunch club* and afternoon session)
  2. 15 hours – morning sessions from Monday to Friday
  3. 15 hours – afternoon sessions from Monday to Friday

*Lunch Club is £5.00 with a hot meal and £2.90 for children who bring a packed lunch.

Who will be leading and teaching in the nursery?

Mr Whiteley, our highly experienced Early Years Lead, will have overall responsibility for the nursery. Mrs Burrell, a qualified teacher with many years of nursery experience, will be teaching full time in the setting. There will be two teaching assistants (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). Their times will cross over at lunch time to provide supervision during Lunch Club.

What changing facilities are in place?

We have had the accessible toilet refurbished with new flooring, decoration, changing table and cupboards to provide a clean and dignified space for nappy changing. Children who are toilet trained will use the Reception toilets.

See our Intimate Care Policy and Nappy Changing Procedure on the Nursery page.

What will the nursery curriculum look like?

The curriculum will be published on this page once it is finalised. Mr Whiteley has been busy planning projects already which link with, and underpin, the learning children will move on to in Reception.

Will children wear uniform?

We want our nursery children to look and feel like part of the school. We will ask that children in nursery wear uniform. Uniform can be ordered from the school office or online:

We have a very good value provider and offer preloved items for a donation too.


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