Subject Leader: Mrs C Crossley
Science – Intent Policies & Documents | Download |
National Curriculum – Science | Download |
Progression in Science – Working Scientifically | Download |
Progression in Science | Download |
Science Long-Term Plan | Download |
Our subject leaders have developed detailed medium term plans. Examples of plans from each phase can be found below. The lesson sequence itself is not included (only the summary cover pages). The subject leader will be able to provide families and visitors with additional detailed planning.
Science – Planning Policies & Documents | Download |
Y5 & 6 Forces (Year A) | Download |
Y3 & 4 Living Things and their Habitats (Year A) | Download |
Y1 & 2 Plants (Year A) | Download |
Our curriculum has been designed to exploit the interconnectivity of science to subjects such as maths, computing and design technology. We are currently working with The Enthuse Partnership* to further enhance our STEM offer in school. Our pupils develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena through the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. We focus on these areas together not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for student success, but also because these fields are deeply intertwined in the real world and in how students learn most effectively. Science is given the profile it deserves as we recognise how science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Children are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. Applegarth pupils become young scientists.
*What are ENTHUSE Partnerships?
ENTHUSE Partnerships inspire young people in STEM (science, technology including computing, engineering and mathematics) subjects and careers. They are groups of schools and/or colleges that work together to address local issues of low uptake or underachievement in STEM subjects. The school/college-led model builds capacity and capability across all partner schools / colleges involved, whilst encouraging sustainable change. The Partnerships aim to deepen relationships with local employers, and utilise the wider package of support provided by STEM Learning.
The objectives of ENTHUSE Partnerships
· To raise attainment in STEM subjects by improving student attainment and progress
· To close achievement gaps
· To improve progression opportunities in emerging technologies
· To improve teaching and learning through developing teachers’ subject knowledge, pedagogical understanding and their understanding of the application of STEM subjects in business and industry · To improve STEM careers awareness, information and guidance for teachers enabling them to embed real life contexts into their teaching and enable them to talk more confidently about STEM careers
· To improve social mobility of disadvantaged and under-represented young people


Our science curriculum provides children with opportunities to develop an appreciation of habitats for British wildlife and the need to conserve woodland and natural environments – for example through Forest School sessions and during our Enchanted Woodland topic. In Key Stage 2, our curriculum inspires children to work in STEM related careers by offering a range of STEM initiatives (as mentioned above). Scientific innovation is taught through Knowledge Rich Projects and educational visits to places such as the Yorkshire Dales, Cleveland Mining Museum, Carlton Lodge (Y5 residential) and Robinwood (Y6 residential) are additional opportunities for enrichment as are visits from inspirational STEM speakers. Examples include both male and female engineers, dentists, doctors, kidney specialists and paramedics. Celebrating the achievements of a diverse range of scientists ensures our children know that the stereotypical beliefs about scientists should be challenged.

Additional Home Learning Support
STEM Learning have produced Starters for Science which are suitable for home learning and can be used in addition to the work set on Developing Experts. Please click on your child’s year group below to be taken to the relevant resources.