Come to our Spring Book Fair!
We will be holding Scholastic Book Fairs here in School on Wednesday 28th February and Thursday 29th February 2024.
The Book Fair will be held in either the School Hall or Miss Mutch’s classroom from 3:20 pm until 4:30 pm on each of the above days.
There will be over 120 titles for you and your child to choose from and with prices starting from only £2.99, there is sure to be a book for everyone. You can also use your World Book Day £1 voucher in part payment for any book you buy at the Fair (or you can use it at a participating bookshop).
Payment will be by cash, cheque (made payable to Applegarth School) or by QR Code which will be on display – please don’t forget to bring your mobile phone and Debit/Credit Card.
In addition, at this Book Fair we are going to have a Raffle. Everyone who buys a book will be given a Raffle Ticket and 5 children could win a book up to the value of £5.00 from the Book Fair cases.
If you are not available on either of these two days but would like to order a book then please call into the school office and see Mrs Fowler before 28th February and place an order.
Don’t forget, every book you buy can help to get FREE BOOKS for our school.
We look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair.